Sales Enablement as a professional discipline and practice area is still in its infancy. Those working ‘in it’ struggle to define and quantify it. This poses numerous challenges, least of all when asked ‘what do you do?’ by the curious colleague or peer it can be tough to effectively and succinctly articulate. This is where it pays to have a charter/manifesto/value prop/elevator pitch, whatever you want to call it, get one. This isn’t a vanity/fluff exercise but something that gives your unique flavour of Sales Enablement a grounding and a purpose. Here are just some of positive use cases for developing one:
- It brings those invested in Sales Enablement within your organisation together to agree the vision for the department. This prevents any potential stakeholder conflicts further down the road.
- It removes ambiguity and provides a clear and concise vision as to why Sales Enablement exists and what it’s there to achieve. However, it’s not a forever statement but something that should be organic and be developed in-line with the department’s evolution.
- Should you be challenged, questioned or hijacked you have something of substance to fall back on and say, ‘this is why’ or ‘sorry, that doesn’t contribute to our core objectives’.
- When you can’t see the wood for the trees it re-centres you and reminds you of what you’re there to do
- It can be the catalyst for Sales Enablement teams to start thinking more strategically about their roles and what the overall function is there to do.
We have worked with our client to develop a number of Sales Enablement Charters typically as part of a wider project to help them establish Sales Enablement within their organisations. To give some context, below is an example of a charter, for obvious reasons this has been anonymised: